1 Jul 2015
The new P21+ Repeatable Rooms App gives an interactive view of all the rooms, including the recently launch Mental Health Bedroom Range. You can view the App online: www.procure21plus.nhs.uk/repeatable_rooms_app Or download a version for an...
1 Jun 2015
The ProCure21+ Cost Reduction Programme, development of a Std Mental Health Bedroom, were announced as joint winners of the Design in Mental Health Service User Experience Award. The award recognises our engagement with various Service User groups – including...
12 May 2015
Following a very successful event in London in March, The P21+ Cost Reduction Programme will be hosting an event in Leeds to launch the new Repeatable Mental Health Bedrooms and offer a chance for Clients to meet the suppliers of the standard components. It will be...
11 May 2015
Two new agreements have been released and are now available for use. Mental Health Door sets and Mental Health Windows. See below for more details. Door Sets This proposal introduces a P21+ standard MH doorset specification that various Suppliers (Arnold Laver;...
11 May 2015
The ProCure21+ Cost Reduction Programme Team are to present at a series of seminars run by the Construction Industry Council to promote the use of P21+ Repeatable Rooms and Standard Components. These events are being run by CIC to highlight the benefits of Design...