What is ProCure21+?

The ProCure21+ National Framework is a framework agreement with six Principal Supply Chain Partners (PSCPs) and their supply chains, selected by OJEU tender process for capital investment construction schemes. Any NHS client or joint-venture may use the framework for a capital construction scheme without having to go through the OJEU process themselves.

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Latest news

Repeatable Rooms Catalogue launched

As support to the roll-out and implementation of Standardisation, P21+ have launched a Repeatable Rooms Catalogue.  This provides a single source collection of all available repeatable room arrangements, their benefits and key features as well as references to where...

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New ProCure21+/22 Programme Manager

Ray Stephenson has now moved to another work stream within the Department and Cliff Jones has now assumed the role of ProCure21+/22 Programme Manager, with immediate effect. See full contact details

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P21+ Mental Health Room Award Winners

P21+ Mental Health Room Award Winners

The ProCure21+ Cost Reduction Programme, development of a Std Mental Health Bedroom, were announced as joint winners of the Design in Mental Health Service User Experience Award. The award recognises our engagement with various Service User groups - including Mental...

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New Agreements for Std Mental Health Components

Two new agreements have been released and are now available for use.  Mental Health Door sets and Mental Health Windows.  See below for more details. Door Sets This proposal introduces a P21+ standard MH doorset specification that various Suppliers (Arnold Laver;...

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